Safety Erudite Inc.
Striving for Sustainable Performance
Sustainable EH&S, Reliability and Business Performance in any organization requires the help of a robust integrated management system and the operations discipline necessary for doing the right thing the right way every time.
Introduction to Safety Erudite
With Offices in Canada and the US, Safety Erudite Inc. is North America's premier provider of Integrated Processes Management Systems for clients in the energy and manufacturing industries.
We work collaboratively with clients to develop and implement right sized EH&S, PSM and Operations Excellence Management Systems for delivering exceptional EH&S and Reliability performance.
Our Vision
Our vision is to create work environments for our clients where value is always maximized. We strive to achieve this vision through our shared beliefs as follows:
·  Zero harm to personnel, environment and assets is achievable - we all want to work safely knowing our employers genuinely care that we return to our families and loved one unharmed at the end of each work day
· People want to do the right thing the right way all the time ... just let them know what is expected of them
· EH&S Knowledge is not proprietary - Organized sharing knowledge and best practices in EH&S is necessary in industry to protect us all
We provide the following products and services to our clients:
·  Integrated Management Systems - EH&S, PSM & OEMS
· Specialized EH&S Expertise - Contractor Safety Management, Managing EH&S in Major Projects, Incident Managements and Audits
· Internal Conferences, Workshops and Training
· Document Writing and Preparation
· Management Systems and Performance Management Audits
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